When I was pregnant with Noah, we took Jake with us for the ultrasound (back then they let everyone in). The technician asked us if we wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl? We said we did and she told us we were having a boy. As we left the office, I remember Jake grinning and saying, I was hoping it was a boy! That made me grin too. And for the rest of the pregnancy I felt so grateful that Jake would have a brother to play with and teach him everything he knew. After 3 weeks past his due date and a long labor that ended in a C section, our perfectly round headed, beautiful boy was born. Taking his sweet time coming out the womb gave me a glimpse at what a laidback and cuddly guy he will be. As my Nana once said about Noah, “be careful, that boy has his own mind.” Thank goodness!! I
The definition of a magnet is a person or thing that has the power of attraction. That is the definition of a Noah. He attracts people to him. I have watched friends come into his life when he was 3 years old and stay in his life until adulthood. He is kind hearted, inelegant and interested in other peoples lives. Everyone is drawn to goodness.
In writing this post, I feel overwhelmed by how much there is to share about Noah. He’s my friend and my teacher. He is a person who really listens to what I have to say. When he calls, I know I’m in store for a warm and rewarding conversation. The unfortunate thing about Noah, is there’s not enough of him not go around. His brother loves being with him, his parents love being with him and all his friends and extended family love being with him. Mostly of course his wife and 3 amazing kids love being with him. I know as a parent to 2 great people, it is those people I want to be with. So it makes sense that his kids are the people he wants to be with. Ugh! How did I raise this great guy?
As Noah reaches this milestone year of 35, it reminds me what I said to he and Jake, when they were 5 and 10….when Jake’s 40, you will be 35. Now here we are! I love watching him play and be silly with his kids, I love watching him and Kim’s relationship grow strong, and his friendship circle grow. His work, his music, his everything is something to be proud of.
His beautiful life is ahead of him and I hope it’s filled with adventures big and small. I’m a proud Mama. Noah, I love you to the moon and back, my sunge. ☀️