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Basement studio: What's going on down there?

Writer: I am a Club SandwichI am a Club Sandwich

This is what's going on in my studio as of January 2018

2016-2017 was the busiest and craziest time that I can remember. It began with my first grandchild born on Inauguration day. (the only beacon of hope that day) A solos show at the Lake George Arts Project in March. A 3 person show at Laffer Gallery in Schuylerville in October and a few group shows scattered here and there. I painted a mural for the Mohawk Hudson Rail Trail in October. I was going back and forth to CT, every other week helping to take care of my grandson. Sewing costumes for dancers in a performance piece I produced and created, making 7, 5’ drawings of the solar system, and did I mention taking care of my sister in law, who was staying with us for 5 months while going through chemo. At the end of the 2016 summer we had 100 people at our house for our son and daughter in law’s second wedding. My life was full.

It is the beginning of 2018, my grandson will be 1 next week, my sister in law is healthy and living in London, my dad is comfortable and happy, my mom moved out of her townhouse, baby number 2 won’t be born until June, the world is my oyster!

My studio is in the basement of our house. It’s a wonderful space, for a basement, the lighting is good, the wall space is fairly big, and there is plenty of storage. Making my way down there can sometimes be a challenge, especially on a sunny day. I do get there eventually. A few space heaters for those chilly days helps. The downside; the ventilation isn’t great, so oil painting is hazardous, (which I still use), it’s in the basement, and it’s in the basement! What is going on down there?? The world is falling apart and I can’t get down into my basement to make art. First world problems, oh the guilt.

The busier I am the more productive I am. In writing this blog, I will try to articulate my feelings. I hope this brings me some understand in the way things work in my head and I move past the guilt and get down to my studio and work, no excuses!




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